Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Open source "weakens the software industry and undermines its long-term competitiveness" says lobby group | Hardware 2.0 |

Please read the full article. And let it fuel your anger, let it fuel your rage, and let it fuel your support for the open-software movement.

The "gist" of this article is that the IIPA wants to enlist the government to do its dirty work: to lessen the life-support that bloated, old-school, old-paradigm software companies depend on as they see their paradigm and profits eroded.

We can't allow this. This kind of totalitarian view of the impact of a changing paradigm can only weaken the world's competitiveness through stifling innovation. The MPAA and RIAA under the shadow of the IIPA should be retired through an act of legislation if not by judicial review.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Is it Time to Ditch Comcast?

Court Questions FCC Authority to Impose Net Neutrality - PC World Business Center

It may be time to ditch Comcast, to send them a message, as they go down the road of destroying net neutrality.

Net neutrality is not something that requires debate -- it is simply something that is right. A right, as it were, to which each and every citizen is entitled, whether or not Comcast believes it, or whether or not the courts uphold it. Bits are bits; and bytes are bytes. A byte of data carrying a voice transmission or a byte of data carrying music or a movie -- it is all the same. But companies want to have the right to discriminate! I thought we were just about over that battle!

No; send your message loud and clear to Comcast, and if they don't hear it, cancel your service. This cannot be permitted to happen.